Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month

At CTG, we have a team of therapists dedicated to helping children and adults with autism improve their abilities and enable to them to live as independently as possible. Coming Soon–Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness Program: This program is designed for children with autism or any child with difficulties being part of a group and maintaining interactions. This program will intensive so that children can achieve skills that last, while also being FUN! The program will strive to emulate the preschool and kindergarten environment and routine while also implementing “centers”, free play and sensory stations that incorporate critical social language skills. Social language skills that we will be target will include: initiating and maintaining interactions, learning how to initiate and expand within simple functional pretend play and symbolic play schemes, learning about others through basic perspective-taking games involving turn-taking, sharing and playing together.

CTG is very excited to offer this program. We are working hard to design a program that will benefit every child and every family.

For more information on pretend play and the importance of pretend play for child development (for communication, emotions and relationships!), please check out the Hanen Centre’s blog post about tips for making pretend play fun for children with autism!

Have a safe, fun and pretend play-filled weekend! If you have plans to be outside with family and friends, please watch the weather as there are some storms coming to Central Texas. (Rain and storms can be a fun learning topic to explore with your kids! If you venture outside to explore and learn, remember that you don’t have to see lightning, clouds or hear thunder to be at risk for lightning strikes. We want all of our patients, friends and families to be safe when learning about the weather!)

See you next week!

Love, Team CTG
